Wednesday 06 November 2024

6.00pm - 9.00pm

It’s time to celebrate and get ready for the festive season ahead, so why not join Angela and her amazing team for an evening of fun, delicious food and inspiring drinks! It promises to be a great night out for friends together, so be quick to book your place.

We are looking forward to treating you to a wonderful dinner and hopefully some delicious ideas for Christmas😊.

Arrival and welcome: House Fizz Cocktail/virgin version, this will be followed by a rolling feast of Angela’s celebratory festive Canapés.

Menu To Be Confirmed

The bar will be open throughout the evening,  and we will also be offering a showcase of Seasonal Baked Goodies that you can freeze and enjoy later, plus Preserves, Liqueurs and Angela’s famous Flavour Bomb Rubs for you to purchase.

Infamous raffle of Angela’s dishes.

There will be lots of Christmas Showstopper raffle prizes to win, so please do bring your £1 coins to participate.

We are so looking forward to seeing you. x

22 places available